Use data to personalise care packages

By Care2Communities | June 19, 2023 | Technology

With budgets being squeezed and demand for care rising, it’s a tough time for care providers. With these pressures only expected to rise, it can be overwhelming to think about how to plan for the future. Studies show that the long-term sustainability of health and social care is dependent on having the right digital foundations in place – but how can technology help without replacing human interaction? 

We have a solution. Our Tec2Care Services in the UK are designed to help care providers take their care to the next level. Read on to find out how. 

What is Tec2Care?

Our Tec2Care Sensor is a small device that’s installed in the kitchen. This discrete device builds up a picture of someone’s habits by capturing data points such as the humidity, temperature and atmospheric changes inside the home. For example, the device can let you know how often the kettle is boiled, when the back door is opened, or what time a person typically does the washing up. There are no cameras, microphones or motion sensors which means that it’s simpler to use and offers greater privacy than a smartphone or fitness tracker. It doesn’t need Wi-Fi, or even need plugging in!

How does it work?

The captured data is uploaded every 4 hours. Status updates are automatically updated on a person’s dashboard to indicate if all is well, if something is different, or if a big change in routine has been detected – which allows for fast invention. This makes it easy to monitor a person’s condition at-a-glance and compare changes over time. 

Providing more personalised care 

The biggest benefit of using our Tec2Care sensor is that it allows you to provide highly-personalised care, differentiating you from other care providers. By building up a picture of a person’s regular day, you gain a deeper understanding of their routines and habits. On a broader scale, this information is useful when considering a person’s needs and determining the right care package for them. For example, it can help you prioritise face-to-face support for those who need it most or prompt you to reassess a person’s care package if it looks like their needs are changing. 

On a day-to-day basis, knowing what a person’s typical day looks like can help you identify the best time to visit during the day. You can also gain a better understanding of how often they cook and whether they are eating properly so that support can be added if necessary. A decrease in the number of times they boil the kettle may indicate that family or other visitors are coming around less often, which may mean that extra companionship care is necessary. 

Finally, Tec2Care promotes safety by helping identify any night-time wanderings, poor sleep patterns or even if a person is leaving the home due to dementia or infection. Being aware of these patterns allows for fast intervention, and ensuring the safety of those you look after is a top priority. 

Get in touch 

To learn more about telecare services or to get started, please get in touch or give us a call on 0115 758 8719. One of our friendly staff would be pleased to answer any of your questions or provide more information on how we can work together to bring better, more personalised care to those we look after.