Introducing the idea of Technology-Enabled Care to a loved one

By Care2Communities | July 5, 2023 | Technology

You blink, and suddenly, life as you know it is different. Perhaps your loved one’s home is not as neat as before or perhaps you’re worried that their mobility isn’t what it used to be. While these may begin as subtle changes, they could indicate that a person needs extra support. 

Noticing a loved one is growing older can be accompanied by feelings of stress, fear and worry. You may find yourself constantly wanting to check up on them or visit them to ensure that they are healthy and well. 

While we understand that it can be hard to accept that things have changed, knowing when extra support is needed is crucial to ensure that your loved one stays safe and happy at home. For people who are reluctant to accept care, our Tec2Care services in the UK are the perfect solution, gently easing them into feeling comfortable with the idea. Read on to learn more. 

What is Technology-Enabled Care?

We provide Technology-Enabled Care to empower a person’s independence and help them continue living at home by keeping their home environment as safe as possible. Our amazing Tec2Care device is a small sensor that is installed in the kitchen. Discrete and non-invasive, your loved one isn’t being watched or listened to. Absolutely no data is being captured without their consent. Our intelligent system uses data points such as the humidity, temperature and atmospheric changes inside the home to build up a picture of someone’s habits. When someone’s activity doesn’t match their usual pattern, the device can alert a family member or care provider to check up and, if necessary, take action.

A stepping stone to full-time support 

We understand that jumping into receiving full-on care or support can be overwhelming. It may not be easy to talk to your loved one about home care, especially as growing older often comes with a sense of losing identity. Our Tec2Care is a great stepping stone into care for people who are still coming to terms with their changing abilities. Once it’s installed, your loved one doesn’t need to interact with the device at all. From their perspective, it’s just like a smoke alarm: discreetly there to keep them safe in case of an emergency. Overall, it’s a practical solution for independent people who don’t want to give up their home or personal space but also don’t want their families to worry.

Peace of mind when you need it most 

For family members and close friends, our Tec2Care device can provide much-needed peace of mind. In between visits and check-up phone calls, you can rest assured that your loved one is safe and well at home. You can feel reassured that in the case of an emergency, help is never far away. The next time you visit, you can enjoy quality time together rather than having to focus only on their health and wellbeing. 

Get in touch 

If a loved one could benefit from our Tec2Care services, we are here for you. Please do not hesitate to get in touch or give us a call on 0115 758 8719. One of our friendly staff would be pleased to answer any of your questions or provide more information on how we can support your family.