Are hot homes bad for us?

By Care2Communities | July 17, 2023 | Wellbeing

Home is supposed to be a place where you feel most safe and comfortable. As we grow older, however, home may no longer be the haven it used to be. This is due to a variety of factors such as changes in needs, abilities and risk factors. 

We know the dangers of cold homes, but what are the dangers of overheating? Whether your loved one has forgotten to turn their heating off in the summer, or their house is becoming too hot from the sun, heat can make health conditions worse. 

Keep reading to learn about our non-invasive Tec2Care services in the UK and how Technology-Enabled Care can help keep your loved one safe this summer.

The danger of excessive heat 

While the cold winter months may have us craving the sunshine, extreme heat can pose health risks of its own – especially for those living with chronic health conditions. Sadly, many health issues are aggravated by the heat and the accompanying dehydration that can potentially ensue from over-sweating. Some common chronic conditions that can be exacerbated by extreme heat include heart, respiratory or cerebrovascular disease and diabetes.

Some common heat-related symptoms can include:

  • heavy sweating, initially
  • red or itchy skin
  • nausea, vomiting or diarrhoea 
  • fatigue
  • thirst
  • dizziness or lack of coordination
  • muscle cramps
  • headache.

Seniors are amongst those at higher risk for summer health concerns. In particular, people with autoimmune conditions, asthma, COPD, allergies, migraines, heart disease and arthritis are most likely to be significantly affected when temperatures rise in the summer. 

How does our Tec2Care device promote safety at home?

The good news is that monitoring the home environment with our Tec2Care sensor can help to keep the house at an optimum or safer temperature. Our Tec2Care sensor is a discrete and non-invasive device that’s placed in the kitchen. By using data points such as the humidity, temperature, and atmospheric changes inside the home, it can build up a picture of someone’s habits and routines. By monitoring the temperature, it can raise the alarm if extreme heat is detected so that appropriate measures can be put in place. 

Keeping your home cool this summer 

If you or a loved one is vulnerable to the effects of summer heat, there are some precautions and preventative measures you can take to keep the home environment nice and cool. For starters, we recommend keeping the curtains or blinds closed to limit direct sunlight shining in from the north and west-facing windows. You can also block heat from entering by strategically placing external coverings, like blinds, awnings or large potted plants in front of windows and walls. 

While air-conditioning can be used to reduce heat in the home, it can contribute to an eye-watering energy bill. Plus, not all homes have air conditioning available. That’s why we recommend using a fan. To create an icy breeze that won’t break the bank, you can put a cleverly-positioned bowl of ice in front of the fan. Finally, we recommend you can help keep the body as cool as possible by wearing light, loose and breathable material like cotton. 

Get in touch 

If you or a loved one could benefit from our Tec2Care services, please do not hesitate to get in touch or give us a call on 0115 758 8719. One of our knowledgeable staff would be happy to provide more information on how our Tec2Care device can help or answer any of your questions.