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Launch telecare services
across the UK

Peace of mind for your clients between visits

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Care Providers

Technology has revolutionised the workplace. But many care providers don’t understand how to use it to improve outcomes for the people they care for or to help their teams work more efficiently.

It’s a challenging time for the health and social care sector. Budgets are being squeezed, demand for services is rising and attracting and retaining staff can be difficult. Unfortunately, evidence suggests that these pressures are only going to increase.

The challenge in numbers

Our ageing population means that over 65s will make up 24% of the population from 2043, up from 19% in 2019. Meanwhile, vacancies in adult social care increased by 52% between 2021/2022

How technology can help

Launching telecare services in the UK is easier than you think. In 2022, the Secretary of State of Health and Social Care said, “The long-term sustainability of health and social care is dependent on having the right digital foundations in place, and so digital transformation must be the linchpin upon which all of these reforms are based.”

Our Tec2Care sensors can help you:

make your budget go further

manage higher demand without increasing employee headcount

improve staff satisfaction and reduce stress

The result?

better outcomes for clients
higher revenue
increased staff retention

Balancing technology with a personal touch

Many people worry that technology is replacing human interactions and could replace staff entirely – that’s not how our Tec2Care sensor works. It’s a discreet device that you install in your client’s kitchen to monitor the environment and alert you of anything unusual.

Here’s how it supports your business:

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If rising demand means you have a waiting list for face-to-face care, you can install a sensor in the meantime to alert you or the family if there’s an emergency. It’s safer for them, and generates revenue for you.

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It helps you prioritise who needs face-to-face care and support. If you’re working with a limited team or poor weather conditions make it difficult to reach people, for example, you can be there for the people who are most at risk.

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Data captured by the sensor allows you to build a picture of someone’s typical routine, which is helpful to determine the right package of care. You can also spend more time nurturing relationships, because you know what to expect before a visit.

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You can deliver care to more people with the same team. Not everyone wants or needs a face-to-face visit every day. With a Tec2Care sensor, you have the option of adding a phone check-in service, safe in the knowledge that your client isn’t more at risk.

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It provides evidence you can submit to the CQC during quality assessments. Bolster your Quality Statements with real figures that show you respond quickly, support independence, and that your care is targeted, effective, and well-managed.
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How it works

We provide sensors that you install at your client’s home. Following the simple instructions, you then:

Install the device and tell us when to activate it.

Let us know who to onboard from your team and the individual’s family. You’ll then get access to the dashboard.

Provide email addresses so we can set up alerts for your team and any nominated family members.

The device will start to capture data to build up a digital picture of the individual’s usual habits and behaviour. This is analysed by artificial intelligence. The dashboard will display a colour-coded status for the individual that day and for the day before. Green means all is well, but amber or red will generate an alert for you and the family.

Our affordable package includes a one-off charge for every sensor plus postage and packaging, and a monthly monitoring fee.

Find more information on care monitoring here.

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Additional services

If you’d like more support, we offer add-on services for an additional cost based on the number of sensors.
Analyse data and provide insights based on trends and patterns over time.
Provide support implementing technology and with system updates.
Contact individuals or family members on your behalf following an alert.
Call the emergency services.
Reset sensors to be used at an alternative address.

Ready to launch your telecare services in the UK?
Get in touch for a quote.