Care when you can’t be there – remote monitoring of elderly parents

By Care2Communities | August 14, 2023 | Technology

You blink and suddenly things are different. Suddenly, you may worry about your parent’s mobility issues or be concerned that they are not eating well. These realities can spark fears and concerns in loved ones about what to do next. It might be overwhelming or even impossible to factor regular check ups into your busy life – so what can you do? 

Our Tec2Care services in the UK are here to help. Safe and non-invasive, this innovative monitoring tool helps keep people safe at home without intruding into their private life. Read on to learn more. 

What is care monitoring? 

As we grow older, our needs and abilities naturally change. Things that once came effortlessly may now require extra support or we may be less confident on our feet. All of these changes may prompt fear and worry in our loved ones. However, just because people may no longer be as spritely as they used to be doesn’t mean they need to move into a care home or require regular visits from a home carer. With its ability to monitor daily activities and routines, care monitoring may be the perfect, proactive solution to ensuring your loved one is safe at home. 

Our Tec2Care device 

Our Tec2Care sensor is a small device that’s placed in the kitchen. By using data points such as the humidity, temperature and atmospheric changes inside the home, it learns your loved one’s typical routine and builds up a picture of their behaviour. Everytime they boil the kettle or cook a meal, or wash up, our Tec2Care sensor detects there is activity. If something unusual happens that doesn’t quite fit into their usual routine, it could be a sign that something is wrong. For example, if there is normally activity in the kitchen at around 7.30am, and one day there isn’t, the device will notice this change and create an alert. As you can access the dashboard at any time, you can also check for gradual decreases in activity levels that could indicate the onset of an illness or a need for extra support. As the device monitors the environmental conditions of a home, it can also identify any properties that are at risk of mould and damp, raise the alarm in extreme heat, or monitor whether the house is too cold which will prompt us to check whether the home environment is safe. 

How does Tec2Care work?

We understand that no one likes the idea of being monitored. That’s why our Tec2Care device is free from cameras, microphones or motion sensors. Instead, the device monitors subtle atmospheric changes, such as moisture from a tap being run, or a kettle being boiled. It’s this data that creates a usual pattern of activity. It also doesn’t capture any sensitive personal or health data. In fact, it offers more privacy than a smartphone or fitness tracker. After being installed, the device is able to create a digital picture of a person’s normal activity patterns within 48 hours. Data is analysed and uploaded every 4 hours. When something is significantly different or when there could be an emergency, an alert is sent to the care provider or a nominated family member. Nominated family or carers can also access the dashboard at any time. Nominated individuals also automatically receive an email each morning with the previous 24 hours status.

Checking in, without checking up!

Your peace of mind 

Our care monitoring services are a progressive answer to staying involved in your ageing parents’ health and wellbeing without intruding on their independence. With its notifications and daily updates, you can enjoy peace of mind that your loved one is safe and well between visits.

Get in touch 

Are you worried about the wellbeing of your loved one? Our innovative and non-invasive telecare services are here to help. Please feel free to get in touch or give us a call on 0115 758 8719. We would be pleased to provide more information on how we can provide peace of mind to your family.