Preventing fall hazards for seniors

By Care2Communities | October 9, 2023 | Technology

In the journey of ageing, older people often face concerns about maintaining their independence and quality of life. For many seniors in their golden years, the threat of fall hazards becomes an increasingly prevalent worry. Falls can have severe consequences for older adults, making fall prevention a paramount concern. 

In this blog post, we delve into how our innovative device Tec2Care services in the UK play a crucial role in preventing fall hazards. Read on to learn more. 

Understanding the significance of fall prevention

Falls represent a substantial risk for seniors, constituting a significant part of health concern related to ageing. According to the World Health Organization, falls rank as the second leading cause of accidental or unintentional injury-related deaths worldwide. With one in 3 adults aged 65 and older experiencing a fall each year, it’s essential to take proactive measures to mitigate this risk.

What is our Tec2Care device? 

Our Tec2Care device is a prime example of how technology can nurture independence without compromising privacy. Unlike intrusive surveillance methods, our device respects the sanctity of your loved one’s home by not utilising cameras, microphones or motion sensors. Instead, it employs a discreet sensor placed in the kitchen to monitor environmental conditions, including humidity, temperature and atmospheric changes.

This unobtrusive approach allows the device to create a comprehensive understanding of your loved one’s daily routines and behaviour patterns, all while safeguarding their privacy. For instance, it can track the frequency and timing of activities like boiling the kettle, washing up or cooking meals. Any significant deviations from these patterns can serve as valuable indicators of potential issues, prompting timely intervention from caregivers and family members.

How does it work?

Our Tec2Care device is discreetly placed in the kitchen to monitor daily routines and activities. During the initial 48 hours, it captures data to establish a baseline of normal behaviour, such as boiling the kettle or doing household chores such as washing up. As time progresses, the device becomes more intelligent, recognising deviations from established routines. Data is uploaded every 4 hours, and the accompanying app displays the individual’s status as green for normal, amber for changes and red for potential emergencies. Amber and red alerts trigger notifications to family or care providers, enabling quick responses. Daily email summaries offer a convenient overview of the person’s status over the previous 24 hours, making it easy to monitor their wellbeing while respecting their privacy.

The peace of mind offered by Tec2Care

Our revolutionary Tec2Care device has ushered in a new era of peace of mind for seniors. Beyond its advanced fall-detection capabilities, it can instil a profound sense of security in a person’s daily life. Here are some of its benefits:

1. Enhanced Independence – The knowledge that a system is in place can bolster a person’s sense of independence. No longer burdened by worries of being alone at home, it’s possible to confidently pursue your daily activities.

2. Family Reassurance – Real-time alerts and easy communication can provide family members much needed peace of mind, knowing that their loved one is safe and well between visits. 

3. Early Intervention – In the event of deviation from normal activity, our device can enable early intervention, and detect possible onset of illness or even if someone has fallen.

Get in touch 

If you or a loved one could benefit from the security and safety provided by our Tec2Care device, please do not hesitate to get in touch or give us a call on 0115 758 8719. We would be happy to provide more information.