Upskilling your team

By Care2Communities | June 5, 2023 | Technology

There’s no use denying it: technology has revolutionised the workplace. This means that having the right digital foundations in place is an essential part of ensuring the long-term sustainability of health and social care. 

At the same time, we know that using technology can be scary – especially if you don’t fully understand how to use it or what you are using it for. Many people worry that technology is being used to spy on them or capture sensitive data about their life.

While this may be true in certain cases, technology isn’t all bad. It has the power to connect loved ones across the world, provide knowledge at the tip of your fingers, simplify tasks, provide entertainment, increase efficiency and more – it all depends on how you use it. 

In this post, we share how care companies can upskill their team with our Tec2Care Services in the UK. Read on to learn more!

What is Technology Enabled Care?

Technology Enabled Care uses data points such as the humidity, temperature and atmospheric changes inside the home to build up a picture of someone’s habits – such as how often they boil the kettle or when they usually cook. This is important because if anything out of the ordinary happens, care providers or nominated family members are alerted to check in or contact emergency services. 

Why invest in Technology Enabled Care?

The ability to compare changes over time and monitor a person’s condition at a glance allows for better, more efficient support. For example, if someone isn’t washing up as usual, they may not be eating properly or may be spending more time in bed due to illness. Being able to intervene as quickly as possible can prevent health from deteriorating and avoid hospital admissions.

Technology Enabled Care also supports independent living and brings peace of mind to families. It’s reassuring to know that their loved one is safe in between visits and that help is readily available should anything seem out of the ordinary. 

How does Tec2Care work?

While Tec2Care may sound complex, it’s quite simple. A small device is placed in the kitchen which captures data to create a digital picture of a person’s routine in a matter of 48 hours. Over time, it becomes even more intelligent, building up a more reliable picture of someone’s life. 

Data in the app is uploaded every 4 hours for analysis. The status of the person is automatically updated on their dashboard as follows: 

  • green; all is well
  • amber; there have been some differences in routine
  • red; a big change is detected or there could be an emergency. 

While we understand that carers are used to hands-on work and may be uncertain about Technology Enabled Care, the user-friendly device is designed to be like the regular apps we use daily, easing the transition. 

Balancing technology with the human touch  

It’s important to note that technology is not here to replace human care professionals. We use it to enable independence, provide fast interventions, bring peace of mind to families and increase wellbeing. While adapting to technology in care may require some time, training staff to use it properly can reap enormous benefits for everyone. 

Get in touch 

If you would like to know more about upskilling your team with Technology Enabled Care, we would be happy to chat with you. Please get in touch or give us a call on 0115 758 8719 and one of our friendly staff would be pleased to answer any of your questions or provide more information.