Who is Tech Enabled Care for?

By Care2Communities | January 4, 2023 | Technology

At first glance, Technology Enabled Care might sound like a scary word. After all, not everybody is comfortable with using technology. Others may worry that technology is being incorrectly used to spy on or monitor behaviour. While in some cases this may be true, it isn’t always the case. Technology also offers a wealth of opportunities to do good.

We provide innovative homecare in Rushcliffe that incorporates the use of technology to proactively support people without intruding upon their privacy. Read on to learn more about our holistic approach to care and who can benefit from our use of technology. 

What is Technology Enabled Care?

Technology Enabled Care is the future of homecare. Not only do we provide all the traditional aspects you’d expect from domiciliary care, we go one step further by incorporating technology into the care we provide. In a subtle and non-invasive way, we rely on technology to monitor your loved one’s wellbeing. This can bring much-needed peace of mind to families who are unable to check in on their loved one as regularly as they would like to. It also enables us to provide faster response in case of an emergency and ensure that your loved one is safe between in-person visits. 

How does it work?

With no cameras, microphones or motion sensors (it doesn’t need wi-fi, the internet or even need plugging in!),Technology Enabled Care is nothing at all like ‘Big Brother’. Rather, we’ll install our small device, called a Tec2Care Sensor, in the kitchen. The device will learn your loved one’s habits, such as what time they usually cook meals, put the kettle on and when they wash up. This allows it to build a picture of their typical routine and behaviour so that it can detect when something out of the ordinary happens. Should this happen, an alert will be sent out to the appropriate people so that help is available as quickly as possible. 

Who can benefit from Technology Enabled Care?  

Contrary to popular belief, Technology Enabled Care isn’t just for tech-savvy people. You or your family do not need to know anything about technology or how it works to benefit from its support. If you live in the catchment area, there is no need for you to install the device as we’ll do this for you. If you live a little further away, we’ll provide easy step-by-step instructions via video call to get this set up for you. 

Technology Enabled Care is a great choice for people who lead busy lives and could benefit from reminders to take their medicine on time. It’s also helpful for people who have recently moved to a new area and may not have established a community and support network yet. Thanks to Technology Enabled Care, we can reduce digital exclusion and check in on wellbeing. It’s also ideal for people who do not yet require regular personal care but could benefit from monitoring and check-in phone calls. 

Flexible Care for you 

We understand that your care needs may change with time. That’s why we offer flexible subscription packages. Our Tec2Care Sensor can be used as a standalone 24/7 monitoring solution for peace of mind, or in combination with our other services such as check-in calls, in-person visits and social care. It all depends on you and your family’s needs and wishes. 

Get in touch 

Is Technology Enabled Care for you? If you have any questions or if you require more information, please feel free to get in touch or give us a call on 0115 758 8719. Our knowledgeable staff members are here to answer any of your questions or help you in whatever way we can.